Thursday 4 January 2018

Vegan Receipe - 'Mashed' - Yellow Cornflour 'Chickn' W Mashed Avocado & Tomato Sauce

This is a receipe for a quick simple and tasty vegan 'chicken' made from yellow cornflour. Crispy `chicken`like taste and texture with the added benefit of bieing gluten free!

In this picture I topped the 'chicken' patties with mashed avocado, chopped tomatoes and onions and served with a side salad of tomato, lettuce and onion salad with a yummy tomato, chill and date sauce.

This is really is such as delicious combination!

I tend to make my food by eyeballing the ingredients so adjust ingredients according to taste.

○Yellow corn flour x1 cup (Juana Brand, Maiz Coscado)
○Pink Rock Salt
○Black Pepper

To make the yellow corn flour vegan chicken...Pour yellow corn flour into a mixing bowl.

Grind in some pink sea salt.

Grind in some black pepper.

Pour in some water little by little and form a dough. You can always add more water or cornflour if initially it's too wet or too dry.


You want a firm but moist dough. Once you have the desired texture you can then split into sections and roll into a ball with your hands.


Place the balls on a plastic surface (like a freezer bag) and squish with your the palm of your hands then peel off. You want rough shapes and if they come out uneven this actually helps them to look more like chicken when they fry!

Heat up some oil and fry the patties on each side until they are a light golden brown.

For the sauce you will need:

○Tomatoes x2
○Dates x6
○Chilli x1
○Pinch of pink salt

More food porn shots...

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